Who was Shahab-ud-Din Ghori?

Who was
Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghori?

            Muslims ruled the Sub-continent for almost 1,000 years. Many dynasties ruled the Subcontinent. Ghauri Dynasty was one of them.

            Today, I will tell you about the Ghori Dynasty and Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri.

            After the decline of the Ghaznavi Empire, the Ghori dynasty came in power. They belonged to Ghor, a region located between the mountainous regions of Ghazni. Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri was known as the founder of Islamic state in Hindustan. He was the ruler of Ghazni. After controlling Ghazni government, he brought his attention towards Hindustan affairs. He was a great conqueror and a far-sighted statesman. During his reign, architecture, literature, and education progressed a lot. He constructed many buildings, mosques, educational institutes, and gardens during his reign.

Art By: Muhammad Muzaffar

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            Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri conquered Multan in 1175. After conquering Multan, he defeated Raja of Uch and conquered that fort. After these victories,  Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri attacked Sindh in 1178, and conquered the famous city of Debal after Muhammad Bin Qasim. He attacked Peshawar in 1179. After that, he attacked Punjab, in that time period, Ghaznavids were ruling Punjab but were too weak. First, when he attacked Punjab, he did not arrest Khusrau Malik. Even he made Khusrau Malik as Lahore’s governer. After years Khusrau Malik united with Hindus and Rajputs to try to eliminate Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri. Sultan again attacked Punjab. Ghaznavids could not complete with Ghauris and got defeated. Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri arrested Khusrau Malik and occupied Punjab.

            After conquering Punjab, he started invading surrounding areas. In that time period, Prithvi Raj Chuhan used to rule the areas of Rajasthan, Haryana and surroundings. First, Sultan sent his man to Prithvi Raj Chuhan to accept Sultan’s condition. Sultan’s conditions were  “ Prithvi, you have to accept Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri and accept Islam”. But Prithvi Raj Chuhan denied that both conditions. Then, Sultan attacked Prithvi. At the field of Tarain, both Ghori and Rajputs fought a battle. Rajputs were brave and greater in number than Ghauris. This battle is known in history as the 1st battle of Train. Ghoris got defeated in 1st battle of Tarain and came back. But Sultan promised to defeat Prithvi. After 1 year, Sultan again attacked Prithvi on the field of Tarain. And in that battle Rajputs got defeated and Sultan Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghauri conquered many areas till Bihar.

            Today, India accepts Prithviraj Chauhan as their hero. India made a missile and named that missile as, “Prithvi Missile”. And in answer, Pakistan made “Ghauri Missile”. 

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