How Christopher Columbus Discovered America?

How Christopher Columbus discovered America?

            USA is a country. Which is located in North America. George Washington is known as the founder of America. And Donald Trump is current president of America. America is 3rd most populated country in the world. And America is also known as a superpower country of the world.

            Christopher Columbus is known as the discoverer of America. Christopher Columbus was an Italian master navigator and admiral who completed five voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the way for European exploration, exploitation, and colonization of the Americas. 
Today, I will tell you, How Christopher Columbus discovered America?

          Christopher Columbus was born in Italy. He was fond of the voyage in the sea. When be became young, he start to live in Portugal. At that time Indian Subcontinent was known as Sparrow of Gold. That’s why people used to came from different parts of the world to do bussiness in Subcontinent. Christopher Columbus told the ruler of Portugal to help him financially and give him boats then he will find easy route to Subcontinent through the sea. But the Portuguese government did not paid attention to him. Later, he starts to settle in Spain, There queen of Spain helped him financially as well as provide him people and boats.

Related Post: Short Biography of Christopher Columbus

          In 1492, When he started his journey to find an easy route to Subcontinent. After the spent to days in the sea. He could not find any easy route to Subcontinent. But, after many days he saw an island. There, he thought that we have reached some western island of the Subcontinent. There, he had not known he has reached the new world. There, he meets with the people, who were inhabitants. They were black in color. And they were completely different from the people of  Europe and Subcontinent, according to their habits. After the rest of many months. Christopher Columbus came back to Spain. He brought with him, crops of Tobacco and Maiz, now these crops are famous crops of the world. In Spain, he gave all the things to the queen of Spain.    

          In this way, Christopher Columbus discovered America. After this, Christopher Columbus came back to the island of Cuba, Jamaica 4 times more. After this, the people of Europe start to settle in America. And now after the time of 500+ years, America has became 3rd most populated country.

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