Relation of Man with Water:

Relation of Man with Water:

            71% of the land consists of water. Water is the most essential necessity for living organisms. Without water, life can not exist. On land, water is present in various forms such as:

Lakes and Waterfalls, rivers and oceans.

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Lakes and Waterfalls: Natural lakes and waterfalls are the largest sources of water. They not only enhance the beauty of nature but also provide water for people leaving in the mountainous regions.

River: River is another vital source of water. Hydroelectricity is produced from river water. Canals are built on the river sides for field irrigation. They are also an essential means of transportation. A type of human food is also obtained from rivers. Rivers have played a very important role in the life of men. They have served, as trade routes from the ancient times. Before the building of roads and railway tracks, most trade was carried on by boats and ships along rivers. This was the reason that most towns/cities in the earliest times were built near river.

Ocean: Oceans are not only an important source of water but also play basic role in international trade. Thousands of ships are used in traveling and trade. We get fish from  ocean which is rich in protein. It is estimated that about 85% fish is obtained from oceans.

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