National Goals of Pakistan.

National Goals of Pakistan:

            Pakistan is a sovereign Islamic state and its national objectives are:

1.     Setting up an Islamic Society:
            The foremost national objective of Pakistan is the setting up of an Islamic Society as per the teaching of Islam and principles of democracy. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said the purpose of the creation of Pakistan was not to just obtain a piece of land but the objective was to establish a laboratory where we could practice principles of Islam. Thus, it is the duty of every Pakistani to create such an atmosphere in which every person can lead his/her individual as well as collective life according to the principles of Islam.

2.     Struggle against exploitation:

            It is also our national objective to establish an Islamic polity, based on the principles of equality, social justice, mutual respect and cooperation. This is possible when people get equal opportunities for progress and prosperity and do not fail victim to ignorance, poverty and exploitation.

3.     State Security:

            It is the collective responsibility of the people and the government to safeguard the country from internal and external dangers. The protection of national identity and freedom is another important national goal.

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4.     Self-Sufficiency:

            Pakistan must be made economically self-sufficient. This would require sustained efforts at national level to work hard, depend upon our own resources and promote education and scientific knowledge. A sense of “Pakistanism” is to be developed to become self-reliant.

5.     Unity with Muslim Countries:

            It is also our national objective to promote unity among the Islamic countries and unite them on one platform. We have to strengthen the role of the organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) so that a uniform stand is taken on the issues concerning the interests of Muslim Ummah.
6.     Peace Initiatives:

            Promotion of international and regional peace, reformation of the unjust international economic system and elimination of racial discrimination are also our national objective.

7.     Struggle for Welfare State:

            The most important objective is to make Pakistan a Welfare State. Our resources are limited. The only hurdle in making Pakistan a welfare state is that it has scanty resources. We should, therefore, develop our resources by improving literacy rate, promoting scientific and technical education and increasing industrial products. Elimination of social evils and corruption is inevitable for making Pakistan a welfare state.

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