The Role of Social Media in our Society

  • The Role of Social Media in our Society

It is an era of Science and Technology. And Social Media is one of the powerful organs to share their own views to others. Social Media (SM) plays an important role in our life. People can share their views, photos, and videos to each other. If social media is good for us then it is also some tension for us. It means if Social Media gives us advantages on the other hand social media also gives us many disadvantages.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Whatsapp, Messenger, TikTok are among the main and big platforms of Social Media. Through these Social Media platforms, people can share their views, stories, Photos, Videos, History of Islam or History of the world, and many more to other people.

Social Media made our lives easy because we can tell our views to the world even in sitting in one place. There are many advantages of Social Media. Among the advantages of social media, some advantages I will discuss below;

Advantages of Social Media

Education through Internet

Internet/Social Media made access easy to Education. Through the Internet, students can gain Education. This Education is known as “Online Education”. On YouTube, Students can listen to any type of lecture within Minuets. Students can access to lectures of Professors of Big Universities like Oxford University, Caribbean University, Munich University. If any student can not understand any problem of Mathematics or any equation of Chemistry. So, They can easily understand from listening to lectures through the Internet or from YouTube. They can easily read Essays/Articles on Google or on any other Website. They will be able to access thousands of Essays/Articles consisting of thousands of words only in typing some words on Google through Searching. There are many even in thousands of websites in which students can listen to any type of Lecture within a short time. In Pakistan, Sabaq.Pk, KnowledgePlatform is among the best learning websites. On you can listen to many news. 

Best Source of communication
Social Media is the best source of Communication. It has solved many problems. For Example; a Long time ago, the people who use to live in foreign countries could not talk to their relatives. Now, they can easily talk to their relatives and love ones. They can chat on Video Calling as face-to-face. Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype are the platforms of Social Media by which people can chat through Vidoe Calling. A long time ago, the letters were the only source of communication. That letters took days evens months to reach and today we use to type some text in Messenger or in Whatsapp our message reach even in seconds from one corner of the world to another part of the World. It means Social Media saves our lot of time.

Create Opportunities for Jobs

Social Media has created many opportunities for Jobs for jobless people. Peoples can earn money through Internet/Social Media. People can earn money by selling products, by writing Articles, by creating websites, by running YouTube channels. People can sell their products on online shopping platforms like Daraz.Pk, Alibaba, AliExpress, Amazon. Or you can sell your product through your Facebook account, from your own Facebook page or from your own website. You can earn money from writing articles on your own blog or another’s blog. If you have an interest in sports. You can write articles on Sports. Or you have an interest in art, Entertainment, Bussiness, Politics or any other category. It means in which category you have an interest you can write articles. On YouTube, you can earn money by creating a channel and uploading videos. Earning from the Internet is not it requires hard work. Through hard work, you can earn money online. Because everything is possible through hardworking. 

If Social media gives us advantages on the other hand it gives us many disadvantages. I have discussed below;

Wastage of Time

Wasting time on using mobile and Social media without any purpose is the main and big disadvantage of Social Media. Most people especially our young men use to waste their lot of time using mobile, Social Media, or in playing games. Instead of Study, Instead of gaining advantage from it, they use to waste their time watching Movies, Playing Games, or using Facebook without any purpose. They do not do any physical activity. They use to sit in one place even the whole day, awaking whole the night. And it is also a wastage of our eyes. Using Mobile continuously can damage our eyes. Especially people who use to use mobile in dark can lose or weak their eyesight. Because the ultraviolet rays emitted from the screen of mobile, T.V, or Laptop direct hit to our eyes and maybe cause weak of eyesight. When Sunsets our body secrete a hormone that helps us to sleep. And when the SunRises our body secrete a hormone which helps us to awake. And when we use mobile at night the Hormone which secretes in lighting that hormone starts to secrete and that's why we can not sleep at night.

If Social Media contain good things to watch or Study. On the other hand, Social Media is the main source of the sharing of bad material. The people who do not have the experience using Social media Then they start to share bad material on Social Media. Abusing is becoming a common problem on FaceBook, Twitter, or on Whatsapp.

The people who use to waste their time in using mobile then can not give time to their family, Children, and Elders. If some people gather at one place they will not talk to each other everyone will busy in using Mobile.

The usage of Social Media is not good or bad. The usage of Social media is in our hands as we use them. If we input them bad material they will show off us bad, Definitely. 
We should not waste our time using Social Media. We should take advantage of it in using it in right way.

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