Problems in Education in Pakistan.

Problems in Education in Pakistan:

Following are our main problems in Pakistan:

1.     Attitude of the Feudal:

      The Feudal system is the major obstacle in the way of education of poor children. The parents are poor and can hardly afford the educational expenses of their children. On the other hand, feudal lords in the rural areas have discouraged the education of the children of poor parents. They want to employ poor children on little daily wages. This is the reason that the literacy rate in the rural areas has not increased, specially the education of female children has suffered much.

2.     Teacher Absenteeism:

            In rural areas, teacher absenteeism has adversely affected the progress in  process of education. Shortage of teachers in rural areas, ghost schools and lack of supervision of rural schools have resulted in low progress in the promotion of education and eradication of illiteracy.

3.     High fees of Private educational institutions:

            Private sector educational institutions charge high fees as compared to the facilities provided there. Teachers are overworked but paid low salaries. The government should exercise control over these schools. Registration fee in the private schools is from Rs.200 to Rs.10000 and monthly fee structure extends from Rs.200 to Rs.5000 and even more. Teachers in private schools are less qualified and hence their standard is less than the teachers in the government schools.

4.     Shortage of physical facilities:

            The shortage of physical facilities and equipment in the primary schools has resulted in a decline in the level of education. About 25000 primary schools are without proper buildings. There is a shortage of furniture in these schools. Most of the schools have no boundary walls, no toilets, and no water facilities. Most of the schools in the rural areas are of the one-room school and are made of a mixture of mud and wood. These are known as Katcha schools. These are in very bad shape. The quality of education is poor in these schools.

5.     Non-availability of textbooks:

            Many pupils do not afford the high cost of textbooks. Textbooks prescribed by the private and English medium schools are very expensive. Textbooks of higher education and professional courses are mostly imported and are very expensive.

6.     Political Interference:

            Public rep... interfere in the administration of educational institutions especially in the appointment and transfer of teachers. Merit is ignored and appointments are made on favoritism or political recommendations.

       7.Accommodation for students:

            Hostel accommodation for the students of technical and medical Colleges has become a problem. Hostels are not available as compared to the increasing number of students of these institutions.

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