How Mughals Conquer the Subcontinent?

How Mughals Conquer the

            Before the Independence of Pakistan and India (1947), the area of current India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar were known as the Indian Subcontinent. Muslims ruled the subcontinent for almost 1000 years. Many dynasties came and gone, who ruled the Subcontinent. Mughal Dynasty is from one of them.

            Mughal Empire ruled the subcontinent for almost 330 years. They were Muslims. The bounds of the Mughal Empire were in touch with Afghanistan from the west and with Myanmar from the East. At the time of Mughals, the subcontinent was known as a sparrow of gold. That’s why British people came here for business. At the time of Jahangir (a Mughal emperor), the GDP of the subcontinent was 36. That GDP is very high. Zaheer-ud-din Muhammad Babur is known as the founder of the Mughal Empire.

            Zaheer-Ud-Din Babur is known as the founder of the Mughal Empire. And he was 1st ruler of the Mughal Empire. He was descendent of Timur and Changez Khan through his father and mother respectively. He was born on 14 February 1483 in Andijan, Uzbekistan. His successor was his son, Humayun
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            On the day of 21 April 1526, Zaheer-ud-Din Muhammad Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi fought a battle on the field of Panipat. Panipat is a place which is in 90 KM distance from Delhi. Ibrahim Lodhi’s army was greater in number than the army of Babur. But Babur had a special and new weapons, “Cannon“ that weapon was not used before than this in the subcontinent. Babur was well-known from the battle affairs. Ibrahim was great in number then he thought I will win. But the result came different. Battle began. Ibrahim Lodhi was with 1000 elephants. When Babur said to fire “Cannon“ then Ibrahim Lodhi’s elephants got confused and started to go back and kill their own army. In that battle, Ibrahim Lodhi got killed. This marked the end of the Lodhi dynasty and the rise of the Mughal empire in India. Then Zaheer-ud-Din Muhammad Babur founded the Mughal Empire in the Subcontinent. He became the first emperor of the Mughal Empire.

            Ater the death of Babur, his son Humayun, became the successor to his father. Later, many emperors came from the Mughal dynasty who ruled the subcontinent. Many rise and falls came. At the time of Akbar, the Mughal empire was at the peak of success. At the time of Jahangir, the Indian subcontinent was known as a sparrow of gold. Many falls also came. In the time of Aurangzeb, the Mughal empire was facing many difficulties. Then at last, in the time of Bahadur Shah Zafar, the Mughal empire demolished, after the War of Independence (1857).   
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