Today's Answers of My Telenor App | 27-7-2020

Today's Answers of My Telenor App | 27-7-2020

There is a segment in My Telenor App, "Test your Skills" there you have to give answers of questions, if you will give Right answers then you will be rewarded with Mbs.

Today's Answers of My Telenor App | 27-7-2020
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Today, I will tell you Today's my Telenor App's questions and answers.

Q1: In the US What is the most popular selling grilling meat throughout the summer?

1: Hamburgers
2: Hotdogs ✓
3: Chicken
4: Vegan Patties

Q2: What over-the-counter vitamin can be used as an effective sun screen?

1: A
2: D
3: C ✓
4: B-6

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Q3: Of these 'Summer-time' smells which one do social researchers say is found to stimulate pleasant memories?

1: Coconut
2: Cut Grass ✓
3: Chlorine
4: Hamburger

Q4: During which season Monsoon raining start in?

1: Summer ✓
2: Autumn
3: Winter
4: Spring

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Q5: Which fruit is best to eat in summer season?

1: Watermellon ✓
2: Orange
3: Grapes
4: Peanuts

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